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发表于 2010-10-2 12:16:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
发表于 2010-10-3 09:54:52 | 显示全部楼层

Synthogy Ivory Italian Grand Expansion VSTi 5 DVDR(著名的 Ivory钢琴音色最新扩展库)[07.07.12]

Now available, the First Expansion Pack for Ivory featuring the amazing Italian 10 Foot Concert Grand Piano. This all new sample set installs directly into Ivory, adding a 4th World Class Grand to Ivory's award winning collection of pianos! This exceptional piano is one of the world's greatest and most sought after Concert instruments. Impeccably recorded in the famed Concert Hall at SUNY Purchase, the Italian Grand is rendered in phenomenal detail by Synthogy's powerful virtual piano technology for an unforgettable playing experience.


» 19GB Core Library

» Over 2000 Samples

» 12 Discrete Velocity Layers

» Release samples triggered by velocity and duration

» Una Corda (soft pedal) samples at multiple velocities

» Dozens of new Ivory programs and effects

» Plugs into Ivory version 1.6 and higher

» Takes full advantage of Ivory's new browser feature

» Supporting the following formats: AU, VST (Mac/PC) and RTAS (Mac/PC)


Synthogy Ivory v1.5 VSTi 10 DVDR(目前为止最疯狂的一套钢琴音色库!!!)[05.12.03]


Ivory采用的是Synthogy所特有的32-bit采样播放和DSP引擎,能够提供世界上制作最为精良的三架音乐会钢琴——德国Steinway的 D 9' Concert Grand、 Bosendorfer的290 Imperial Grand 和Yamaha 的C7 Grand——所具有的混响、响应以及其它高品质效果等。其中每一架钢琴的88个琴键都是在8个动态水平上进行采样的,甚至包括Bosendorfer上扩展过的低八度音,因此,使用者能够完全控制每一个音符的每一个细微音差。除此之外,Ivory还能够提供将近40 Gigabytes的全新采样。Ivory所具有的一系列功能,不仅能够保证声音的完整性,还能够保证使用者操作起来能够得心应手。Synthogy的"Sympathetic String Resonance"数字信号处理功能能够提供极其真实的Damper Pedal响应,另外,套装还包括有真实的Release and Soft Pedal采样。

  除此之外,Ivory还具有环境声、合声、均衡器等一系列高品质数字效果器和用来调节音色、立体声宽度和角度、速度响应、机械琴键噪音、音调等参数的全套用户控制器。它的每一个32-bit采样都是不带循环的完整延音,而且,Synthogy独特的sample interpolation技术还能够使速度和音符过度超级平滑。最后,三架钢琴中的每一架都能够单独安装和拆卸,以节省硬盘空间。

  Ivory中的乐段都是由世界著名的钢琴家兼Kurzweil Music Systems钢琴模块的声音设计师和制作人Ierardi设计完成的。Ierardi几乎在钢琴设计的每一个环节上都堪称专家,从调音和规范到录音、编辑、编排以及引擎设计等。而Synthogy引擎的设计者George Taylor,曾经是Kurzweil最受欢迎的KSP8多效果器系统的主要设计大师之一。

Art Vista Virtual Grand Piano VSTi 1 DVDR200种演奏风格的虚拟钢琴插件)[05.11.21]

曾经以一套Malmsjö Acoustic Grand and Cool Vibes乐器采样库而闻名世界的Art Vista Productions公司,最新推出了一款采用Native Instruments公司的Kontakt Player技术模拟制作的虚拟三角钢琴插件——Virtual Grand Piano。
  该款Virtual Grand Piano虚拟钢琴,是以1960 Hamburg Steinway“B”音乐会三角钢琴的各种录音材料为基础模拟制作而成的。为了最大限度提升其在演奏性能和适用场合方面的多样性,Art Vista在设计时专门对预置进行了重点考虑。其中不仅有各种带有自然房间环境声的预置,还专门收录了“studio dry(工作室干声)”预置。此外,其中收录的所有预置,还按照速率响应能力的不同,被分成4类,以适应当前市场上所有类型键盘的要求。


Steinberg The Grand 2 Vsti 1 DVDR(著名的虚拟大钢琴最新2.0版)[05.11.04]

The Grand is a high-quality virtual concert piano with a breathtakingly- rich and realistic sound, whose tonal precision and outstanding dynamic qualities rival those of a real, quality acoustic concert grand piano.
The Grand 2 offers two different concert grand models with ultra dynamic response, hammer-action, sustain- and sostenuto-pedal, free programmable velocity-curves, four characteristics (natural, soft, bright, hard), tempered or concert-tuning, adjustable room portion, surround reverb and a performance Eco-mode for underpowered computers.


N I Akoustik Piano VSTi 4 DVDR NI最新顶级4大钢琴插件)[05.10.13]

Akoustik Piano是一个基于采样的钢琴合成器,带有4台著名的钢琴音色:

--Bösendorfer 290 Imperial --Steinway D --Bechstein D 280

--Steingraeber Model 130


  Akoustik Piano带有节拍器和直接录音功能,在独立运行模式就可以直接演奏。

  Akoustik Piano还提供卷积混响,包含演出大厅、录音间、大教堂、俱乐部等环境混响,并可调立体声定位、力度响应、三段EQ


Best Service Galaxy Steinway 5.1 v1.0 3DVD(首张以5.1方式采样的斯坦威大钢琴音色库)

Microphones: close miking with 5 Bruel & Kjaer mics, room mics from Neumann plus SPL / Brauner Atmos System for the 5.1 recording of the grand piano.
Location: Galaxy Studios, Belgium.
Galaxy Hall, size 320 square meters, 8 meters room height.
Recorded through a Neve Capricorn digital console directly linked to ProTools.
Six discrete channels in 16/24 bit/48 kHz resolution.
Separate microphone for the LFE channel.
Mapped in whole tones.
10 velocity layers provide a natural sound quality over the whole dynamic range.
Sample length up to 40 seconds, hence no loops.
Grand total approx. 6.5 Gigabytes of audio samples.
Included Stereo version 1.5 Gigabytes.

Native Instruments Elektrik Piano v1.0 3CD (顶级电钢琴合成器音色插件)

ELEKTRIK PIANO unites the four most beloved E-pianos of all time into one high-performance software instrument, which reproduces in exacting detail the sounds of the Fender Rhodes MK ITM and MK IITM, Hohner Clavinet E7TM, and the Wurlitzer A 200TM. To this day these vintage classics possess a magical allure, and with ELEKTRIK PIANO these sounds are playable from any laptop or desktop computer.
Demo Sounds...

East West PMI Bosendorfer 290 VSTi DXi 1 DVD-R(超级菠菜豆腐290钢琴音色插件,SOS杂志5星)

The 5-star awarded PMI Bösendorfer 290 is simply the best sampled Bösendorfer 290 Grand Piano on the planet - and now it's available as a 24-bit plug-in for the first time.
This pristine piano library has finally captured all of the beauty of this piano. Up to 16 velocity layers, true release samples, true repedalling and two different microphone positions (close and ambient) for ultimate ambience control... and best of all: it sounds as good as the real thing! This Plug-In version comes with 28 programs (9 DRY programs, 9 WET programs (with and without true real-time repedalling), 3 Dry & Wet layered programs and several FX variations. The bass of this instrument is absolutely huge with a very focused pitch.

Steinberg The Grand VSTi 1.0  3CD(超级纯钢琴防真插件FOR PC AND MACDEMO试听

The challenge was to develop a virtual concert piano equal in quality to an original acoustic piano - even including the "unmatchable" playing characteristics.

The result: The Grand - a top-quality virtual concert piano with a breathtakingly rich and realistic sound, whose tonal precision and outstanding dynamic qualities rival those of a real, quality acoustic concert grand piano. To make this feat possible, Steinberg's sound factory wizoo has painstakingly built this virtual instrument using sounds from a top-flight acoustic grand piano - guaranteeing you powerful bass, crystal clear mid-range and brilliant treble

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