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[其他] Steinberg Cubase Studio 4 DVD

发表于 2008-6-29 01:32:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
[emule][专业音乐创作与製作系统].Steinberg.Cubase.Studio.4.DVD.Original.nrg (2.41 GB)][专业音乐创作与製作系统].Steinberg.Cubase.Studio.4.DVD.Original.nrg
[专业音乐创作与製作系统].Steinberg.Cubase.Studio.4.Update.and.Crack.rar (64.38 MB)][专业音乐创作与製作系统].Steinberg.Cubase.Studio.4.Update.and.Crack.rar[/emule]


英文名称:Steinberg Cubase Studio 4 DVD

Steinberg Cubase Studio 4

未经过安装测试, 使用后果自负


Cuabse Studio 4 源自於与 Cubase 4 同样的声音技术,一样提供您令人激赏的声音品质与在使用上极具亲和力,为数眾多的音讯与 MIDI 工具,让从事於作曲、编曲、录音、音讯编辑与混音的您,在较低的价位中依然享有操作使用上的便利。
最新一代 VST 3 引擎的效果外掛程式与VSTi虚拟乐器,还有革命性的SoundFrame™ 强大的声音档案资料管理器,整合了:预设工作轨、乐器工作轨、与MediaBay-媒体资料库,协助您管理来自於VSTi虚拟乐器或是实体乐器的音色档案资料;还有精进的乐谱製作功能。

Cubase Studio 4- Project Window

Cubase Studio 4- Audio Sample Editor

Cubase Studio 4- MIDI Sequencing:

Key Editor & Drum Editor

List Editor & MIDI Effect

Cubase Studio 4- Mixer View

Cubase Studio 4- Mixing Automation

Automation Selection

Automation Drawing

Automation Read & Write

Cubase Studio 4- New VST3 Audio Plug-Ins

Cubase Studio 4- Two New MIDI VSTi:

HALion One & Prologue

Cubase Studio 4- SoundFrame™ & Pool

Cubase Studio 4- MediaBay

Cubase Studio 4- Score

Cubase Studio 4 With Video

Cubase Studio 4 采用了和 Cubase 4 大量相同技术的版本,专门为作曲家、音乐人和学生、教师使用,它也提供了高质量的专业工具,但是价格要比Cubase 4低得多。

Cubase 4 为专业工作者提供的工具开创了创作的新路。新特性如 SoundFrame 将原来的普通任务,如文件浏览转换成为作曲过程的一部分,这一点在以前的音乐软件中是不可能的。

Cubase Studio 4 新特性如下:

·SoundFrame 通用声音管理器能帮用户组织,预览以及找回音频、视频和工程文件,软硬件合成器的音色,音轨和乐器的预置等等,包括强大的媒体湾浏览器和媒体文件管理系统。

·崭新的 VST3 插件包,带有多达30种的新插件,其中包括 Cloner,ModMachine,AmpSimulator 以及吉他调音器和一个新的多段压缩器等等。

·新增 VST 乐器 Prologue,,此外还有带有上百种来自 Yamaha Motif 波形的新乐器的 HALion 单采样播放器。




·跨平台的支持:支持 Windows 和 Mac OSX 操作系统。

Home Page:

Cubase Studio 4
Advanced Music Production System

Designed for professional music production from the ground up, Cubase Studio 4 comes with a brand-new VST3 plug-in set and 2 new integrated software instruments with hundreds of sounds. The revolutionary SoundFrameTM is a powerful combination of Track Presets, Instrument Tracks, and MediaBay database, to help organize all your sounds from every instrument - both software VSTi and hardware.

Top-10 New Features:

• SoundFrameTM – Universal Sound Manager. - SoundFrameTM can be used to organize and browse any sound from any source – regardless from where it's coming from.

• 21 All-New VST3 Audio Effects Plug-ins - More than 20 new plug-ins have been designed based on the new VST3 plug-in standard.

• 2 new Virtual instruments - With these additional virtual instruments, Cubase Studio 4 offers a powerful built-in synthesis engine equipped with hundreds of ready-to-play instruments and sounds.

• Professional score editing, layout and printing - Cubase Studio 4 inherits the complete professional notation features from Cubase 4.

• User Interface Redesign - The entire Cubase user interface has been cosmetically updated. Several dialogues have been redesigned.

• MediaBay - Integrated media management system featuring file browser, database, search engine, preview functions and attribute editor.

• Instrument Tracks - Instrument Tracks combine MIDI Input and Audio Output into one single track and mixer channel.

• Track Presets - Track Presets are snapshots of entire track/channel strips.

• User Interface Redesign - The entire Cubase user interface has been cosmetically updated. Several dialogs have been redesigned.

• Drag & Drop for Insert FX - Insert FX plug-ins can be copied or swapped using drag & drop, even across channels.

Additional New Features:

• Mac PPC/Intel - Universal Binary
• User-configurable Track Inspector
• Advanced AudioWarp Realtime Transpose

版主把这个精华取消吧, 以后有哪位发布完美的破解再给他加上. 今天正好没事测试了一下, 这个破解进入是没问题的, 但无法工作, 本来想能进入应该就可以了吧? 但事实上并不是这样. 非常鬱闷. 各位已下载好主程式的麻烦再放在硬碟上一段时间吧, 相信完美的破解应该不会远了
发表于 2008-11-2 22:06:10 | 显示全部楼层
Cubase  4这个现在好像用的人很少吧
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